TK'Blue teams up with Génération Responsable for a workshop on the harmful effects of the transport chain.

On September 22, TK'Blue co-hosted a workshop organized by the Génération Responsable association, bringing together several French supermarket chains (Camaïeu, Picard, Petit Bateau, etc.).


The aim of this workshop, with the participation of CETI, Certibruit, Ecler, EVE and ALLCOT, was to discuss the main measures currently in place to make the social and environmental impact of the transport chain more acceptable.

The COVID theme was in the spotlight, with two case studies focusing on the partial relocation of textile production units, presented by CETI's Isabelle Cornu. Another case study focused on the use of washable protective masks produced in Spain to supply the European market, as opposed to single-use masks produced and shipped from China. In the second case, we note an additional impact equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions of 360,000 people by using Asian sourcing, compared with European sourcing. Makes you think.

In turn, we discussed energy-saving programs for refrigerated transport (ECLER), CERTIBRUIT certification for staggered and silent deliveries, and alternative delivery by river barge in city centers with Switch Meridian. Then it was the turn of the EVE (Engagements Volontaires pour l'Environnement) program, and the concrete solutions of the TK'Blue proposal concerning the measurement of the negative externalities of freight transport, and its action plans for improvements and monitoring.

A final case study from a brewery presented by TK'Blue showed the societal and environmental benefits of using road-rail on a regular stretch of road to replace all-road transport.

As TK'Blue has recently extended its expertise to include scopes 1 and 2 with its GCI offer, the afternoon ended with a presentation by ALLCOT, whose programs are offered by GCI through its offset component.