The transport market is facing unprecedented environmental challenges and new regulations requiring players to measure and reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with ISO 14083.
To meet these challenges, it is essential for companies to have reliable and accurate tools to measure GHG emissions and implement effective action plans to reduce them. But how do you choose the right GHG emissions measurement solution?
In this article, we'll shed some light on these points and outline the key benefits that set TK'Blue apart from its competitors.
Road transport (80-85% of flows) :
There are a number of solutions on the market, but for road transport they are all based on calculations using average factors or modelling.
As a result, they make no distinction between two hauliers using the same mode of transport, nor do they take advantage of the reduction in GHG emissions per tonne transported when the vehicle is better filled, or better driven, or has made fewer empty runs, or used an energy source that emits less CO2 (LNG biodiesel, for example)
With TK'Blue, the haulier can precisely calculate his GHG emission intensities based on actual consumption levels, energy used, loading rate, empty run rate, eco-driving applied, the client or shipper can effectively choose the most eco-responsible service provider and work with it to further improve its loading rate, its energy mix and reduce its empty run rate.
Sea and air transport :
Nor does TK'Blue content itself with simple, reduced emission intensity values for sea and air transport, as all its competitors do.
TK'Blue can provide the emission factor for each ship simply by knowing its IMO number, for each air route, i.e. tens of thousands of different emission factors compared with the few dozen offered by all its competitors.
TK'Blue, a unique dual choice for reducing emissions:
TK'Blue makes it possible to multiply action plans for reducing GHG emissions from transport operations.
This is the only solution that makes it possible to decide on and precisely measure reductions in GHG emissions both
by choosing modal shift solutions (road to rail or river, air to sea)
by keeping the same mode of transport, by choosing the least carbon-intensive carrier within the mode in question.
TK'Blue conformity guaranteed:
ISO 14 083: To date, TK'Blue is the only solution that fully complies with ISO 14 083, published in March 2023, which requires the inclusion of GHG emissions from goods transshipment operations and refrigerant leaks.
GLEC3.0: TK'Blue is also the only solution that takes into account the GLEC 3.0 reference system, in its version corrected for all the data entry errors that TK'Blue has reported to GLEC (Global Logistic Emission Council) in recent months.
TK'Blue, taking all negative externalities into account:
TK'Blue not only measures GHG emissions, but also takes into account all the negative externalities generated by transport operations: NOx, SOx, micro-particles, noise, congestion and accidents.