Relations between shippers and carriers

As an ally committed to strengthening links between shippers and carriers, TK'Blue offers effective and useful solutions. With its Blue File and Blue Gallery services, TK'Blue goes beyond expectations to optimize transport operations, and improve companies' overall performance.

Together, let's build efficient, sustainable logistics between every player in the transport chain.


Strengthen collaboration with your carriers by simplifying your exchanges with TK'Blue.


Fulfill your duty of care towards your transport service providers with our "Tiers de Confiance" platform.


Make sure you choose the logistics partners best suited to your needs and environmental commitments.

Document tracking, the Blue File service

Simplify the sharing of administrative, regulatory and specific documents between you and your transport service providers, thanks to the "Blue File" service.

TK'Blue checks that all the documents requested on the platform have been uploaded and informs you of their regular updates.

  • Compliance with due diligence obligations (Duty of due diligence and regular verification of the social and tax credentials of their transport service providers: Decree no. 2003-1295)
  • Response to Law n°2014-790 of July 10, 2014 against social dumping and unfair competition.
  • Reduced time spent checking and tracking carrier documents.
  • Easy communication with carriers to access administrative documents and check compliance.
  • Addition of specific documents (authorization for chemical products, etc.) for which carriers may publish their documentation for the exclusive use of the customer.
    Blue Gallery

    Carrier directory, the Blue Gallery service

    Identify and compare the carriers listed by TK'Blue according to: their GHG information, their transport and economic performance, and the regular updating of administrative, regulatory, supporting and specific documents requested by the Shipper.

    • Selection of the best-performing carriers by mode and fleet criteria.
    • Verification and global monitoring of carriers' social and fiscal authorizations.

    Performance calculation

    Data flow steering

    Reporting and recommendations

    Shipper-carrier relationship

    TK'Blue: Cerba HealthCare's essential ally for CSR excellence and responsible performance in its transport choices.
    Cerba HealthCare, an international network of medical biology laboratories, has chosen the TK'Blue solution not only to meet their CO2 and CSR regulatory obligations, but also to position and improve their transport choices from an economic, technical, environmental and social point of view.

    Transport Carbon Calculator

    • Self-service web service for reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from your transport operations.
    • The Transport Carbon Calculator platform provides you with immediate and accurate analytical reports, calculated according to the analytical criteria of your choice.

    By TK'Blue offer

    • Reduce your GHG emissions and promote your commitment to sustainable transport
    • Establish shared action plans with carriers
    • Download detailed CO2/GES and CSR reports for transport operations by loader customer 
    • Simulate and compare transport plans, identify performance and areas for improvement 

    TK'Blue news

    CSR in freight transport

    CSR in freight transport

    Explore the impact of CSR in transport on economic and environmental performance. Discover the ISO 26 000 standard and how TK'Blue facilitates this transition to a sustainable future.

    read more